This week is the first ever Young Adult Library Services Association's Teen Tech Week. Take our "Techknowledgey" Quiz and be entered for a drawing for Best Buy cerfiticates and various other prizes. You can post your responses as a message on MySpace or send an e-mail to We'll be accepting entries from the weekend, but this is your last chance!
Onwards to the quiz!
Phone number or email:
Phone number or email:
1. Go to the Schaumburg Twp. Dist. Library Myspace site: Name a new library item featured on that site, either a book, DVD, music – anything!
2. Go to the STDL library homepage: Find the Teen Page. What is Teen Weavings? Please list one program described on there.
3. Also on the Teen Weavings: What are the Spring Break Fever programs?
4. One last Teen Weavings question: When does the Gamers Group meet?
5. Again on the STDL library homepage Click on e-resources and then the Health and Medicine area. Go down to the link for the Teen Health and Wellness Database. On the link list find Skills for Work, School and Life. Go into that page and list two skills featured on there.
6. Stay in the Teen Health and Wellness database. On the homepage for the database, find the Hotline button below the links. List one hotline featured in that section.
7. Return to the STDL home page, then e-Resources by Subject. Go to Books and Literature and choose Novelist K-8. Click on the Browse Lists Tab. What do you find under Young Adult?
8. Back again to the STDL homepage Go down to the 'Ask Us' link. These are ways to contact a reference librarian for help with a question. What ways could you contact us? (What options open up?)
9. Go to and find out what the question of the month is:
10. Go to What is the latest posting about (you're already here!)?
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