We're excited for the new Harry Potter book, and I'm sure many of you are too. But before you get started with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, test your knowledge during our Harry Potter Brain Bending Challenge!
How much do you know about Harry, his friends, family and his Hogwarts life? Take the Harry Potter Brain Bending Challenge and enter a drawing for magical prizes. Contest runs from July 1 - July 31. Winners will be announced early August.
Answer the questions below (you can send your responses to teenservices@stdl.org):
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Email if you want to receive information on upcoming teen programs:
1. What is the name of Hermione’s cat?
2. Who are the evil creatures that suck the happiness out of people and guard the Azkaban prisoners?
3. Who was the prisoner of Azkaban?
4. Name three mythical creatures that live in the Forbidden Forest:
5. What is the name for Voldemort’s followers?
6. What class did Hagrid teach?
7. What large creature lived in Hogwart’s basement and terrorized the school in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?
8. Ron’s rat, Scabbers, had a secret identitiy. He was really ________________.
9. Professor Remus Lupin had to leave Hogwarts because he was a _________________.
10. Name two of the challenges Harry faced in the tournament in the Goblet of Fire book: