Saturday, June 21, 2008

Fabulous Beaded Flip Flops!

This Tuesday (6/24), we'll be turning ordinary pairs of flip flops into fashionable footwear creations! For a $5 fee (cover the cost of materials), you can create your very own pair of fabulous beaded flip flops! However, we'll waive the $5 fee if bring a donation to the Schaumburg Food Pantry. The items that are most needed are: peanut butter, jelly, pasta sauce, dried pastas, and mac n' cheese.

Registration is required so, if you'd like to attend, please send an e-mail to Amy Alessio at or call 847-923-3191. Flip flops and decorating materials will be provided, but please give us your shoe size so that we can get you the right fit! NOTE: Responses must be recieved by Monday at 3:00 P.M. in order to reserve your spot.

Make a statement with truly unique footwear!

Register Now»

Monday, June 02, 2008

New Student Advisory Trustee Position on the Library Board

There is a Student Advisory Trustee Position open on the Library Board. We are looking for students aged 15-20 to participate in government and provide suggestions on ways the library can better serve young people. The student trustee will attend STDL board meetings for one year starting in September 2008. Basically, this is your chance to represent your peers and make your voice heard on the many issues concerning the library amongst the decision-makers. It's an important position that has a huge impact on library policies. We're looking for a smart candidate with a passion for libraries and improving the library for young people.

You can send an e-mail to for an application or pick up an application at the Information Desk at the central library. Applications will be accepted from June 1st - July 31st.

Aloha Summer! 2008 Summer Reading Celebration!

Aloha summer! Kick back and relax with a few good books and win prizes during the 2008 Summer Reading Program!

Here's how it works:

Register at the Readers' Advisory Desk at the main library or at either of the branches PLUS you get a prize just for signing up! Once you're registered, you'll recieve all you need to get started plus 3 review slips. All you need to do is READ, write your reviews on the slips provided (additional slips are available at any of our locations), and use your review slips to "buy" prizes.

The prize break down:
1 slip - candy bar or granola bar
5 slips - coupon for an extra CD, DVD, or video game at checkout
10 slips - coupon for $10 off library fines
15 slips - $5 gift certificate to Cafenios (library cafe) at the main library or $5 gift certifcates to McDonalds at the branches

You can "buy" prizes in any order,
but you may only redeem your slips for the 5, 10, and 15 slip prizes only once.

Happy reading everyone and start enjoying the summer!