Sunday, January 06, 2008

Winter Reading Program: Not Too Cool to Read

The 2008 Winter Reading Program is in full swing! The theme is "Not Too Cool to Read." That's both in reference to the weather and high-school style coolness (and you know what we mean). Nobody ever reads anymore--or so they say. So no matter how reading is perceived by various high school cliques--always remember--nothing's cooler than being smart and knowlegeable (really, as you get older this will be clearer) and reading can take you there!

So stop by the Central library or either of the branches to register and pick up your book review forms. Book review forms can be used to "buy" some great prizes, and you'll be entered for some drawings; in the past prizes have ranged from autographed books to gift cards. So, get reading and we're looking forward to reading your reviews!

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